Thursday 17 November 2011

Landscape 2 - Assignment 2

Spent the last couple of days getting together my images for Assignment 1. It has been an enjoyable assignment and I am fortunate in so far as having a couple of possible sites reasonably close to home. Used Lightroom to process the RAW files and this was the first time I had used it seriously as opposed to learning about it. Worked well although a bit slow because of my limited knowledge. Seems to be worth the effort.

I have found that one of the problems I face when working on images is that they lose, for me, their freshness and I find myself becoming more and more critical. What was "that came out well" becomes "Yeah its o.k." particularly where I have not been strict about discarding images that are alright but are not some of better work. The lesson learnt here is that having been on a shoot I need to winnow the resulting images down to just one or two over the number needed and even consider going back where I think I have missed out. It is too easy to shoot away without a coherent strategy and I must plan more what it is I need to achieve and the best way to achieve it.

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