Sunday 6 November 2011

Project 10 - Soft Colours

The first image shows the effect of mist on the colours. The image was taken from a high vantage point overlooking the German border with the Czech Republic looking across into the Czech Republic. Comparing the strength of the colours in the foreground with those in the mid-ground and background demonstrates the differences created by the mist. Interestingly the camera managed to capture more than I remember seeing at the time of taking the photograph.

The second image is of a pond in a forest clearing. It was a bright sunny day and the sun was mainly shining on the area shown in the top right hand quarter of the image making the exposure difficult. The image has been enhanced in Lightroom  using the adjustment brush to reduce exposure in areas that were over-exposed. The difference in the reflected colours is noticeable although not so pronounced as in the 'mist' picture above. I presume this is because the water was very still and the dark bottom of what was a shallow pond meant that the 'mirror' effect was very strong.

The third image is taken in the autumn and the reeds that dominate the image have turned from their summer colour of variations on green to the muted browns that are seen here. The background of trees consists largely of evergreens but they too have lost the brighter colours of new foliage that could be seen during the summer.

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