Thursday 3 November 2011

Project 9 - Colour Themes

A range of greens in one image. It is not difficult to find a wide range of greens in most landscape shots and indeed within one plant both as the light varies and which part of the plant particularly the leaves are showing. 

This image was shot as the afternoon drew to a close and we were blessed with a deep blue sky and the yellow/orange rays of the setting sun picking out the autumnal colours of the foliage.

The autumnal colour of this tree contrasts strongly with the deep greens of the foliage that is beyond it. It could be argued that the image would be stronger if the yellow foliage in the top left quarter of the image had been cropped out. 

I remember doing this exercise in the Art of Photography and wondering then whether there was any useful reason for doing it. I remain unconvinced although the 2nd of the images benefits from the contrast of the blue of the sky and the orange/yellows of the foliage but the other two seem to me to be artificial constructions where the photograph is not one I would have normally taken as for me they lack interest.

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