Monday 5 December 2011


Spent part of yesterday reading through all the Course material. I had assumed that the projects would have some sort of sequence but had I thought more carefully about it I would have realised that 'opportunity' is one of the key elements. On more careful reading this is evident in the material as it is made fairly clear that each would in some way depend upon the elements. Blindingly obvious I know.

I have decided therefore that whilst I will tackle the Assignments in the order that they are set I will create a set of cards containing the projects key elements so that I can carry them in my camera bag. That means, I hope, that whilst I may set out to meet the demands of a particular project I can quickly scan through and see if I can combine the particular with other projects. My aim will be to complete all the projects by the time that I wish to make my submission for Assessment. To quote "they are all there, not necessarily in the right order" (with apologies to Morecambe and Wise).

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