Sunday 18 December 2011

Joe Cornish

Had the opportunity to watch the DVD "With Landscape in Mind - a photographic trip with Joe Cornish".

Not overly impressed although there were some good(i.e. those that I liked) images. Far too much time devoted to getting to the destination and watching and listening to Joe Cornish set up his expensive looking camera. I assume that the end result was worth it (though not evident from the end result on the DVD) but in one particular part of the commentary he mentions the speed with which the light is changing whilst at the same time is trying to get the settings on his camera correct. It occurred to me that the facilities on the camera were getting in the way of getting the image. Sometimes trying to get the perfect shot means that it just passed you by.

Although composition at the end of the day is a matter of personal taste I found his shots of the limestone pavement did not work. In two of the shots the limestone blocks the image and the far landscape and the pavement do not appear to be part of the same scene. Also some of his 'close ups' lacked any meaningful structure (not in the sense of a building but in an awareness of the pattern(s) within the trees and foliage) so that I found my eye failing to find anywhere to settle.

I visited his web site to see other examples of his work. Within the limitations of the size at which the prints could be viewed there were some stunning images and I presume that it is on the basis of these that his reputation is built. I knew of his reputation and this was the reason that I purchased the DVD. Do I think it was worth it? Not really. As a tutorial it lacks real direction and as an example of landscape photography it left much to be desired.

I would stress that this is my personal opinion and it is probable that others will take a different view.

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