Wednesday 6 June 2012

Project 14 Changing Light Changing Views

Early Morning



Mid Afternoon


The first image was taken about 6.00 a.m. and the whole valley was shrouded in mist. I chose the shot shown because I was able to include some detail as provided by the gate and trees. As to be expected the light was very soft and in most directions including towards the sun were bereft of detail. The conditions dictated the direction in which the rest of the shots throughout the day would be taken.

The second image was taken at approximately 9.00.a.m. and I chose almost the same shot as the earlier one although I had zoomed back from the gate to provide foreground and give a better sense of scale within the image. The third image was taken at noon. There was some loss of detail and colour in the image compared with image 2 but less than I had thought would be the case. The only marked difference is in the visibility of the wall in the bottom right of the image as the sun moved and took away the shadows in that area.

The mid-afternoon shot was taken at approximately 3.00.p.m. I decided to change the viewpoint and to use the light at that time and the shadows created to give some sense of the hills beyond the field shown. It is shot to the right of the preceding images to include the part of the wall in the  foreground and the trees at the end of the field.

The final image was taken at approximately 9.00.p.m. I took a number of shots over a period of about half an hour as the sun sank slowly behind the hills. The original image was taken to include all the hills  shown in the early images but when processing the image I decided to crop closely to make the tree the focal point. I had switched lens at this point and was using a 70 - 300mm lens that 'cut-out' the valley between me and the shot. The sky did not appear this colour to the naked eye and it was only when I was working on the image did the colours shown become obvious. No saturation was used and the colour is  how the camera 'saw' the image. I had a polarising filter on the lens and I presume that this helped in capturing the colour in the sky.

I had done a similar exercise in The Art of Photography Course but with a fixed spot for the camera. I found this exercise more interesting because of the challenges presented and the questions asked. There seemed to an infinite number of variations on a theme and the choice at the time of individual shots and subsequently of those to be in this blog forced to me think. No bad thing!

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