Saturday 16 June 2012

Another shot at Sky/Clouds

I was browsing through some photographs that I had taken within the past few months and came across this set taken at Wicken Fen Cambridge. They were all taken on the same day and I was struck by the variation in cloud formations across a period of about 3 hours.

Looking at the shots and using the land as a clue I took these by looking in different directions. To state the obvious sometimes the best shots are just over your shoulder. I would like to take credit for having thought of this at the time but  I was more interested in the landscape at the time and the cloud formation  variance was a matter of chance. Hopefully I'll think about this next time I am out and about.

I also took the opportunity to include more of the land so that the images work as landscape images as required by the Course material. I rather ignored this in my last blog as I was more interested in the cloud formations. I guess at the end of the day it is a matter of personal judgement as to what works best in any particular image.

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