Sunday 3 June 2012

Photographing the Lakes

Had 3 days in the Lake District 23 - 25 May in superb weather taking lots of photographs. Had my next assignment in mind and the need to work on some of the projects in the Course material. Reasonably successful particularly with the Assignment Images (the connecting theme being 'water') and some material for the projects. Spent the last week including today sifting through all the photographs taken to select suitable ones to meet the various needs.

I have to admit that I am still struggling to make sense of the projects. Not because I don't understand them but because they are, naturally, all weather dependent. For example there is the one where there is a requirement to take shots of the same general area at different times during a day. The need here was for a good day weather wise. O.K. I was lucky but I had tried on several occasions prior to this to get the photographs without success. For some reason (?my age) I cannot remember all the things I am supposed to achieve in one project. I have yet to find an workable answer. The Course book is way too bulky to take on the actual photo-shoot and I tried making cards with a precis of what was required. Worked to a certain extent but then when re-reading the Course material I sometimes found, within the general text, some requirement that I had missed. I don't struggle so much with the assignments because they are contained on one page and are usually succinct. Unfortunately you cannot say that about the projects. Never mind I will get there eventually and its all good practice.

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