Thursday 27 October 2011

Project 7 - figures in a landscape

In the first image taken across the River Elbe the figures in the image give a sense of the scale of the building that is behind them. I cropped the image so that the building was the dominant feature and to remove other clues as to its actual size.

The second image is of two figures in a field. A sense of the size of the landscape contained within the image is provided by these two figures that look so small by comparison. In the third image I have removed the figures (I found placing my finger over them did not work because all I could see was my finger). Whether this changes the image is difficult to say because of the knowledge gained by not only taking the photograph but also being aware of the image with the figures present. 

The final image stretches the project insofar as the 'point' is provided by the tractor and the dust cloud behind it. It does however provide a strong sense of scale and helps the viewer judge the size of the fields.

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