Saturday 1 September 2012

Polarising Filter

Without polariser

With Polariser

These images were taken within seconds of each other so that there was very little change in the light nor in the position of the sun which was almost at right angles to the lens. The angle was, as far as I could judge about 30 deg. Enhancement in Lightroom and Photoshop were the same.There is a noticeable difference in the two with the polarised version offering a much clearer image with little reflection off the water and more of the bottom of the river can be seen.

In pursuing this exercise I have probably taken over 50 different images polarised and unpolarised. Some worked better than others and as expected this depended largely on where the sun was in relation to the camera lens. In the best conditions there is a noticeable improvement in the image although immediately noticeable differences require a combination of factors that are not always there. 

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