Sunday 2 September 2012

Getting Ready for Assessment

Spent yesterday trying to get organised for a November Assessment. Had contacted my tutor for suggestions and he pointed me in the right direction. There is a video in OCA Resources where Jose Navarro provides a series of does and don't does particularly relevant to how to submit images. Fortunately I had kept my submissions for assignments separate and not put the images into separate folders the latter method seems a good way to pee off your assessor. I also seem to have been fortunate in preparing my images (I have used hard copies to send to my Tutor throughout the Course) all at the same size and ensuring there is sufficient white space to allow them to be handled without putting fingerprints all over them.

As always there are no set rules but I think the underlying premiss is to think about the assessor and how to make his/her life as easy as possible. To look at two alternatives there is the scenario where all material is in a box but in no particular order and the one where there is a logical progression from top to bottom and all related material is contained in a sub folder. Which, as an assessor, would you prefer?

I have to confess that I am not the most organised of people so I am usually panicking because I can't find a particular piece of work that I know is there amongst the pile of work but cannot bring it to hand. Each time (I am now on my fourth Course) I promise myself that I will be much more organised but that resolution flies out the window as I rummage through my 'filing system' and stuff goes in all directions. I least I have learnt to start early in the process in getting the relevant work all together, putting it in order as far as possible and keeping it separate from everything else.

I suppose the over-arching lesson is to read what is required for Assessment at the very beginning of the Course  and plan your work accordingly.

Who knows by the time I am on my final bit of work for the Degree I may be the epitome of the organised student!

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