Friday 6 July 2012

Project 33 - Using a Tripod

The first image was taken using at Tripod with camera settings of f8  1/160 ISO 400 using a 70 - 300mm lens set at 76mm.

The second image was taken within 1 minute of the first handheld with camera settings the same although shutter speed was 1/200.

Close examination of the two images show no discernible difference even at an enlargement of 300%. the main area of examination was of the vent grill to the bottom right of the image and the edges of the stairs.

I know from experience that, for me,  using a shutter speed of less than 1/125 when the camera is hand held will show evident signs of camera shake. I allow for this by normally using an ISO of 400 (there is no discernible difference in grain or chromatic aberration to those found at lower ISO) wherever possible which in normal circumstances gives the desired shutter speed. I will try a series of combinations of ISO, shutter speed and aperture value if a tripod is not an option constantly aiming to keep the shutter speed at 1/125 or above. 

For images that I know will be enlarged up to A3 size I will use camera settings that give a higher shutter speed or set the shutter speed and let the camera decide on the aperture value. If this does not produce the desired result I will use Manual.

It is impossible to make an accurate judgement of the amount of 'shake' by using the LCD screen on the rear of the camera so I rely upon experience and the bracketing of images to achieve the best image possible.

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