Saturday 28 April 2012

Assignment 1/Project15

Decided to visit the site (Ickworth Park in Suffolk) to take the 'Spring' shots. Unfortunately Spring was not very evident other than on a small scale (tress coming into bud; undergrowth within the trees that were bear thus allowing maximum light into the area. Not a great success but I did manage to find some possible images that I could use.

I like this shot (not currently part of my portfolio) because of the position of the sun throwing deep shadows across the foreground, the presence of the daffodils in the sunlight and the presence of Ickworth House glimpsed through the trees. All of the landscape within the park is 'man-made' and is controlled in the sense that there are no real wild areas so that linking the landscape to the Stately Home offers an explanation of what is seen in other photographs.

I include this shot because there is a hint of spring with the tree in the centre of the image coming into leaf. It is not a great image because the tree does not stand out clearly from the background. It will be interesting to return and see if it is clearer when it has more foliage.

An intimate shot of the landscape with just one leaf bud about to open. Very illustrative of spring.

I have included this shot because it shows how very little Spring is evident. It was shortly after this that I decided that I would return later when, hopefully, Spring will be more advanced.

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