Thursday 2 February 2012

Assignment 1 - Winter

Went out yesterday with the intention of taking the 'winter' series. Unfortunately there is little real evidence of winter and there is evidence of Spring. Hopefully the forecast of wintry conditions over the next seven days may rescue the situation.

It does raise an interesting question of what exactly does represent winter in photography. A very sharp air frost or freezing fog would help and of course a deep ground frost. Similarly with snow. However our present warmer than average winter just leaves leafless trees that changes the view but is not representative of winter as the rest of the landscape looks much the same. The requirement to take photographs of the same area chosen in Assignment 1 does impose restrictions particularly in an area that does not normally suffer from wintry conditions. In the 18 years I have lived in the area I can remember only a few 'winters'.

Fingers crossed or I may have to wait for another winter or beg indulgence and re-shoot Assignment 1.

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