Friday 6 January 2012

Landscape 2 - Project 21 Silhouette and Reflections

I combined this project with Project 20 (see previous blog) although in this case I used a 50mm prime lens for the shot. The aperture was set at f22 and I used a shutter speed of 1/8000.

The sun 'star' is a good one and the silhouette of the pier retains definition as can be seen by the silhouetted figures along the pier. The reflected light on the water leads the eye into the picture and encourages the viewer to follow the line of the pier. 

I gave consideration to selectively lightening the image in Photoshop but took the personal view that there was more drama created by the difference between the 'star' and the sky and the dark of the pier structure. It could also be argued that the reflection is 'chopped off' too soon and the image would benefit from having been taken further back.

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