Tuesday 17 January 2012

A day out

Spent all of yesterday photographing. Wonderful light with crisp clean air and an almost cloudless sky that meant the light remained constant. Working on the material for assignment 2 - photographing an acre. Went to Wicken Fen that is about an hours drive away as I know the area reasonably well and it offers a range of  opportunities.

Decided I would try two things - (a) every shot using a tripod and remote control shutter release and (b) bracketing exposures with a view to either combining the images using hdr or choosing the best outcome. (a) worked o.k. mainly because it is something I have been trying to do for some time. Too often I have allowed the thought of carrying the tripod and setting it up as an inconvenience or an unnecessary burden whilst knowing that the results when I use a tripod are always better than the hand held shots. At first glance the effort was worthwhile.

(b) Made a right mess of this. Successfully set the camera to take multi-shots, changed the necessary settings for bracketed exposures but then FORGOT to press 'Set'.  How dumb is that! It is not as though this is new to me. Stupidly I did not check after the first couple of shots to check that things were working. I assumed because the camera clicked three times all was well. Hopefully I will remember next time to check and then check again. Am thinking of the possibility of taking the three images amend two of the exposures  in Camera RAW and try photomerge to see what comes out.

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